
Anirvan Chatterjee

Anirvan Chatterjee has written 64 posts for Aviation Justice

Aviation + climate change artist Ho-Yeol Ryu

What does a world of excessive dirty aviation look like? South Korean artist Ho-Yeol Ryu’s piece Flughafen (German for “airport”) tries to answer the question visually. His piece is a lovely and foreboding composite digital image created using layering and tilt-shift techniques, based in part on images of planes taking off from Hannover airport, and … Continue reading

Dirty aviation’s melting the Arctic: Researchers find a mind-blowingly cheap solution

Arctic sea ice is at an all-time recorded low in 2012, and dirty aviation plays a part. But new research shows that simply rerouting plane flights around the Arctic will delay Arctic sea ice melt, prevent 1.75-2% of global warming, and have a 50x return on investment in the US alone. Will governments and airlines listen? … Continue reading

Obama’s aviation/climate betrayal

Despite lip service about climate change, one President Obama’s first actions after his reelection was to keep US airlines from complying with European climate pollution laws. Writes Philip Bump in Grist: “Now that Obama has won reelection, he is freed up to follow his heart, moving forward forcefully in the fight against climate change. Put a … Continue reading

The Planet Strikes Back: Rising sea levels could flood San Francisco Airport

Aviation is responsible for 4.9% of climate change, making it one of the most climate-destructive industries on the planet. So there’s particular irony in the fact that climate change threatens to aviation industry’s own infrastructure. A new report from the National Research Council shows that if current trends continue, sea levels along the California coastline … Continue reading

US Air Force practices drone warfare by tracking New Mexico drivers

The US Air Force is increasingly relying on unmanned aerial drones to fight America’s wars, with the number of military drone pilots expected to surpass conventional pilots within a year or so. A recent story in the New York Times describes the training of drone operators at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. Reporters … Continue reading

Environmental lawsuit succeeds: FAA phasing out leaded gas by 2018, protecting airport neighbors from airborne lead

Private planes are responsible for over half the airborne lead in the United States, with leaded aviation gasoline linked to elevated levels of toxic lead in kids living near airports. Regulators had previously ignore the research, forcing Friends of the Earth to file a lawsuit against the EPA, due to its inaction aroud airborne lead. … Continue reading

Burlington International Airport: A neighborhood’s future is up in the air

Web video blog Stuck in Vermont covers a local aviation justice battle in this great video on the plight of South Burlington airport neighbors: “Burlington International Airport has grown in size over the years and this means an increase in noise for the South Burlington residents that live nearby. Under an FAA relocation program, the … Continue reading

Warplanes of Mass Destruction: Enroute to a city near you?

The US Air Force has been quietly shopping the operational basing of its F-35A manned fighter jet squadrons around to different communities across the country. Most recently, following its issuance of a draft environmental impact statement (“EIS”), the Air Force has whittled the list of possible ‘beddown’ locations down to two; the joint civil/military airport … Continue reading

United Airlines: Climate greenwash at its finest

Earth Day brings out the worst in polluters. This Earth Day, United Airlines started touting its newly-revamped carbon offset program, allowing customers to alleviate the guilt of climate pollution by spending money on climate-enhancing projects in three different countries. What United’s green PR team didn’t mention is that up till March, they were busy suing … Continue reading

Sierra Club: stop promoting high-CO2 aviation for Earth Day!

The Sierra Club is celebrating Earth Day this year with the gift of CO2. The winner of their big Earth Day promotion receives a round trip flight from anywhere in the US to Seattle—possibly as climate-destructive as driving a car for 10 months. When did environmental groups start ignoring climate change? The aviation industry is … Continue reading