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Aviation Justice Express tour 2011

Twitter in an uproar, in support of John Stewart

Twitter was in an uproar when news got out that British environmentalist John Stewart was barred from entering the United States to participate in the Aviation Justice Express tour.

Friends, strangers, elected officials, journalists, and even critics spoke out:


4 thoughts on “Twitter in an uproar, in support of John Stewart

  1. John Stewart Environmentalist of the year, a peaceful gentle man whom it is an honour to work with and call a friend.
    Barred from America by authorities after being invited to the US for a lecture tour, so much for the hand of friendship across the sea with our closest allie, ok for the men and women of our armed forces to help them, but not a peaceful campaigner, are we suprised its just another example of US potty paranoia.

    Posted by Barry & Dot Palmer | October 2, 2011, 12:30 pm
  2. What exactly is the US afraid of? John Stewart has worked tirelessly to protect the environment and was vital in our fight against the third runway, chiefly for all the behind-the-scenes support and links with other like-minded groups and politicians. Campaigns cannot be won if direct action is the only tool in the box. Citizens in “the land of the free” should be asking who will benefit from treating a decent, honest environmentalist like a terrorist.

    Posted by Christine Taylor NoTRAG | October 2, 2011, 5:54 pm
  3. I totally agree with both the above comments. Having met John several times , he is a very good campaigner and I guesss big business in USA influences who is on the terrorist list.President Obama himself should look at this decision which is a total disgrace in what is meant to be the land of the free

    Posted by E Dearsley | October 3, 2011, 4:55 am
    • Not sure it is US responsible. Apparently leaked info suggests BAA put the US on red alert about RED JOHN

      Posted by Pajama | November 10, 2011, 10:22 am