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Aviation + climate change artist Ho-Yeol Ryu

Aviation + climate change artist Ho-Yeol Ryu

What does a world of excessive dirty aviation look like? South Korean artist Ho-Yeol Ryu’s piece Flughafen (German for “airport”) tries to answer the question visually. His piece is a lovely and foreboding composite digital image created using layering and tilt-shift techniques, based in part on images of planes taking off from Hannover airport, and … Continue reading

What is aviation justice?

Aviation Justice advocates are working for a leaner, greener, more just aviation system, as well as better alternatives to an unsustainable system.

The facts

Aviation is responsible for ~5% of the total human causes of climate change.

Airport neighbors face higher cancer rates and tremendous noise impacts.

Flying in the U.S. now means radiation, gropings, and no-fly lists